Why is a review important?
The road in life rarely follows a straight path. Through the years, life can take all kinds
of twists and turns, and as a result, it is important to regularly review life insurance to
ensure the coverage and benefits still match current and future needs and goals.
We have simplified the process and in a few easy steps can help financial advisors and
agents review clients’ life insurance policies and make recommendations based on what
is best for the client.
How does it work?
Our team will work with the agent/financial advisor to complete the authorization form requesting the desired in-force illustrations. Policyowner signatures are required in order for the carrier to release this information. A dedicated team member will routinely follow up with the insurance carrier in order to ensure the request is fulfilled in a timely fashion.
After receiving the current in-force ledgers, the policy will be carefully analyzed by an experienced team member. An easy-to-understand summary along with noteworthy observations and recommendations will be prepared. If warranted based on the findings of the analysis, potential alternative policy options that would make a good match for the client’s needs and goals will be included for potential consideration.
Upon completion of the policy review, our team will return the final comprehensive analysis to the agent/financial advisor for review and discussion with the client.